Hi All,
Linux uses the Common UNIX Printing System, also known as CUPS. CUPS uses the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) to allow local printing and print sharing. The /etc/cups/ directory stores all the configuration files for printing. However, these files can be easily managed with the Printer Configuration Tool in Linux.
Exam question Raw (Model) printer named printer1 is installed and shared on You should install the shared printer on your PC to connect shared printer using IPP Protocols.
Exam question Raw printer named printerx where x is your station number is installed and shared on server1.example.com. Install the shared printer on your PC to connect shared printer using IPP Protocols. Your server is
Before you can use any printer, you first have to install it on a Linux system on your network. To start the Printer Configuration Tool, go to the System menu on the top panel and select Administration, Printing or execute the command system-config-printer.
If no printers are available for the system, only the Server Settings view is available for selection. If local printers are configured, a Local Printers menu will available.
Install new printer
click New Printer on the toolbar.

In the dialog window that appears, accept the default queue name or change it to a short, descriptive name that begins with a letter and does not contain spaces. Then select printer from list and click on forward and click on finsh. spool directories
When your system prints a file, it makes use of special directories called spool directories. The location of the spool directory is obtained from the printer's entry in its configuration file. On Linux, the spool directory is located at /var/spool/cups under a directory with the name of the printer.
print job
A print job is a file to be printed. When you send a file to a printer, a copy of it is made and placed in a spool directory set up for that printer.
CUPS features a way to let you select a group of printers to print a job instead of selecting just one. That way, if one printer is busy or down, another printer can be automatically selected to perform the job. Such groupings of printers are called classes. Once you have installed your printers, you can group them into different classes.
Once you have successfully installed local printer it will show in right pane. and in left pane you can see all administrative options.
- To view shared printer on other system Tick mark on first option
- To share locally attached printer tick mark on second option
- To allow remote administration of this printer check mark on third option
Tick mark on appropriate option and click on apply
configure window clients
Go on window system and ping from printer server and open internet explorer and give the ip address of server with printer port 631
This will launch CUPS web application click on manage printer
now you will see the shared printer on server click on print test page

A test page will be send on printer server copy this url of printer
click on start button select printer and fax and click on add new printer. this will launch add new printer wizard click next on welcome screen and select network printer

On this screen select internet printer and paste the url which you copied from internet explorer

Install appropriate driver from list or use have disk option you have drive cd and click next. On next screen set this printer defaults and click on next and finish.

Remote administration of print server
Go on linux system and ping from server and click on printing from administration menu

Now click on go to server

Now give print server ip address

It will take few minute to connect from server depending on network speed

Now give root password to connect printer server

you can see all print administrative Manu in right pane Once you have connected with sever
configure Linux clients
Go on linux system and ping from server and click on printing from administration menu

Now click on new printer

Click on forward In the next New Printer screen, select the type of connection to internet printing protocols and in hostname give server ip and printer name in printername

select the appropriate model. If multiple drivers are available, select the one most appropriate for your configuration. If you do not want to choose the default and click forward and finish. The main Printer Configuration window should now include the name of your printer.

To print test page click on print test page and a test page will send to print server
Managing Printers from the Command-Line
lpadmin command enables you to perform most printer administration tasks from the command-line.
lpc To view all known queues
lpr To send print requests to any local print queue
lpq To see the print queue
lprm To delete the jobs of your choice use it with the job number
lp To print any file.